A Delegation of Iranian University Professors and Students Visit Malaysia

Thanks to the efforts of Allameh Tabataba’i University (ATU) and the Iranian Association for Curriculum Studies, 18 faculty members and PhD students of Curriculum Planning from ATU, University of Tehran (UT), Kharazmi University (KHU) and Payame Noor University (PNU) visited Malaysia, from 29 July to 6 August 2015. This visit to a number of Malaysian universities, higher-education institutes, and international and smart schools, which was headed by Dr Alireza Sadeghi, Assistant Professor and head of ATU Department of Curriculum Planning, was organized with the aim of getting acquainted with the higher-education and teacher-training systems of Malaysia.
The delegation visited the Department of Education at the University of Malaysia (UM), HELP University and its affiliated international school, Faculty of Education Studies and the Central Library at UPM, and Smart School at APU University of Technology and Innovation. The parties agreed to have international academic cooperation, to do joint research projects, and to hold joint seminars and workshops.