Department of Education
Department of Education was established, for the first time in Iran, at Allameh Tabataba'i University (ATU) in order to develop professional expertise in the field of child education. The Department is currently active in undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Thinking about childhood, training trainers, teachers, and education experts for preschool and elementary school children, as well as producing academic and research works in the field are the main goals of this Department. Our strategic plans are formulated with a broad vision and in line with the dissemination of scientific findings in children's educational community.
Due to the urgent need for training specialised graduates in the areas of preschool and elementary education, the Department has ever since its establishment tried to offer relevant degree programmes to undergraduate and postgraduate students.
To date, there are 4 full-time faculty members teaching and researching in the Department. The faculty members are offering the latest advances in various branches and areas of elementary and preschool education. To date, all the 4 faculty members are assistant professors.
Moreover, there are currently about 180 students studying in the Department. Since 1993, a total of 1500 students have graduated from the Department. In the 2018-2019 academic year, a total of 49 freshmen were admitted into the Department and 24 students were graduated.
Degree Programmes
The programmes offered in the Department of Education are introduced and specified below.
Bachelors Degree Programme
- Education: This bachelors degree programme was established in 1984. All bachelors degree programmes in ATU last for 4 years, 8 semesters.
Masters Degree Programmes
- Preschool Education: The masters degree programme in Preschool Education started to admit students since 2001. The programme is offered in Allameh Tabataba'i University for a period of 2 years, 4 semesters. After passing the taught courses, students have to prepare and defend a masters dissertation to receive their degrees.
- Elementary Education: The masters degree programme in Elementary Education started to admit students since 2001. The programme is offered in Allameh Tabataba'i University for a period of 2 years, 4 semesters. After passing the taught courses, students have to prepare and defend a masters dissertation to receive their degrees.
Department Head
Dr. Soudabeh Shokrollahzadeh
PhD in Philosophy of Education from Shiraz University (2019).
Faculty Member
Email Address:
Research Interests: Philosophy for children (P4C); Philosophy for adolescents(P4A); Children and Young Adults' literature; Intersections of Children's Literature and Education; Childhood studies; Philosophy of childhood; Religious education.
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Faculty Members
To date, 4 full-time faculty members are employed and collaborating with the Department in providing educational and research services to the students and researchers. The faculty members of the Department are briefly introduced below. The names are sorted alphabetically.
For more detailed information about each faculty member, you can refer to ATU's ARIS portal.
Dr. Saeed Azadmanesh
PhD in Philosophy of Education from University of Tehran (2019).
Faculty Member
Email Address:
Research Interests: Philosophy and history of childhood education; Implicit philosophy of childhood education; Aesthetic education in childhood; Bildung and cultural-historical education; Religious education.
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Dr. Ehsan Ekradi
PhD in Educational Sciences- Higher Education Administration from Allameh Tabataba'i University, (2016).
Faculty Member
Email Address:
Research Interests: Classroom Management; Modern Teaching Methods in Education; Educational Planning and Curriculum Development in Education; Inclusive Education; English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in Education; and Internationalization of Education.
ORCID: 0000-0002-5954-0859, h-index: 4
Dr. Hamideh S. Khademi
PhD in Psychology and Education of Exceptional Children from Allameh Tabataba'i University, Iran (2018).
Faculty Member
Research Interests: Child psychology and play therapy; Preschool education; Basic literacy in children.
Dr. Zahra Rahimi
PhD in Curriculum Studies from Tarbiat Modares University (2017).
Faculty Member
Email Address:
Contact No.:+9821 4839 3191
Research Interests: Mathematics education; Mathematical thinking; Curriculum development; Elementary and preschool education; Educational acceleration.
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Dr. Zahra Salehi Motaahed
PhD in History and Philosophy of Education from Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod (year 2017).
Faculty Member
Email Address:
Contact No.:+9821 4839 3114, +989157072721
Research Interests: Philosophy of education, educational opinions of Muslim thinkers, Childhood education, Islamic education in Childhood, Citizenship education in childhood.
Emeritus Faculty Members:
Dr. Abdullah Abbasi
Assistant Professor
Dr. Asad Adibnia
Email Address:
Dr. Ahmad Aghazadeh
Dr. Alimohammad Almasi
Associate Professor
Dr. Mohammadhassan Amouzgar
Assistant Professor
Leila Angaji
Dr. Ahmad Aghazadeh
Dr. Morteza Aminfar
Maryam Dadashzadeh
Elma Davoudian
Dr. Jamaluddin Koulaiee Nezhad
Assistant Professor
Dr. Reza Gharib
Assistant Professor
Dr. Farkhondeh Mofidi
PhD in Child Education (Preschool Children) from Florida State University, (1980).
Emeritus Faculty Member
Dr. Fereshteh Mojib
Dr. Mohammadreza Sarkar Arani