Prof. Esmaeil Zaraii Zavaraki is appointed as the Vice-Dean for Research in the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

05 June 2024 | 09:04 FPE News
As stated by the Public Relations Office of the Faculty, the farewell and introduction ceremony for the Vice-Dean for Research of the Faculty took place on Wednesday, June 5th. In attendance were the respected Dean, Dr. Hassan Malek, along with a group of professors and staff members.
Prof. Esmaeil Zaraii Zavaraki is appointed as the Vice-Dean for Research in the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

In this meeting, following the declaration of the mandate issued by Prof. Abdullah Motamedi, the esteemed University President, Dr. Esmaeil Zarzaii Zavarzaki was appointed as the Research Vice-Dean, with the efforts and contributions of the previous Research Vice-Dean, Dr. Jalil Yunesi, being acknowledged and commended with a token of gratitude.

Last Update At : 12 June 2024