Facts and Figures

FPE, Year of establishment



Academics (Updated in June 2024)



  • Number of Degree programs: 38
    • 4 Bachelor's degree programs
    • 21 Master's degree programs
    • 13 PhD degree programs


programs Bachelor's Master's PhD
Clinical Psychology  
General Psychology  
Industrial-Organisational Psychology    
Psychology and Education of Exceptional Children  
Curriculum Development  
Preschool Education    
Elementary Education    
History and Philosophy of Education    
Philosophy of Education    
Philosophy of Islamic Education    
Knowledge and Information Science    
Knowledge and Information Science
(Information Management)
Knowledge and Information Science
(Management of Digital Libraries)
Educational Technology    
Educational Measurement and Assessment
Educational Research    
Educational Measurement    
Educational Administration  
Human Resource Development and Training    
Higher Education: HE Administration    
Educational Psychology  
Cognitive Science: Cognitive Psychology    
Rehabilitation Counselling    
Family Counselling    
Career Counselling    
School Counselling    



Faculty Members (Updated in July 2024)


  • Total number of full-time academic members: 73
    • Assistant Professors (BrE: Lecturers): 36
    • Associate Professors (BrE: Readers): 24
    • Full Professors: 12
    • Instructors (Lecturers holding Masters degrees): 1
    • Number of Visiting Professors: 120



Students (Updated in July 2024)

  • Total number of students who are currently studying at FPE: 1767
    • Bachelor’s Students: 620
    • Master’s Students: 826
    • PhD Candidates: 321
  • Distribution of students per Department: (Total: 1767)
    • Number of Students in the Department of Counselling: 343
    • Number of Students in the Department of Curriculum Studies: 64
    • Number of Students in the Department of Education: 177
    • Number of Students in the Department of Educational Administration and Planning: 210
    • Number of Students in the Department of Educational Measurement and Assessment: 88
    • Number of Students in the Department of Educational Psychology: 137
    • Number of Students in the Department of Educational Technology: 104
    • Number of Students in the Department of General and Clinical Psychology: 347
    • Number of Students in the Department of Knowledge and Information Science: 157
    • Number of Students in the Department of Philosophy of Islamic Education: 53
    • Number of Students in the Department of Psychology and Education of Exceptional Children: 87
  • Distribution of Students by Gendre: (Total: 1767)
    • Female Students: 1297
    • Male Students: 470


Freshers (Updated in July 2024)


  • Total number of freshers admitted into FPE in the 2018-2019 academic year: 498
    • Bachelor’s Students: 137
    • Master’s Students: 272
    • PhD Candidates: 89



FPE Graduates (Updated in July 2024)


  • Total number of FPE graduates, from 1993 to 2019: 11,803
    • Bachelor’s degrees awarded, 1993-2019: 6,437
    • Master’s degrees awarded, 1993-2019: 4,941
    • PhD degrees awarded, 1993-2019: 425
  • All degrees awarded in the 2018-2019 academic year: 197
    • Bachelor’s degrees awarded in the 2018-2019 academic year: 77
    • Master’s degrees awarded in the 2018-2019 academic year: 106
    • PhD degrees awarded in the 2018-2019 academic year: 14


Staff (Updated in July 2024)










  • Number of Libraries in the Faculty: 1
  • Number of books: +110,615
    • Volumes in Persian and Arabic: +89,000
    • Volumes in English and other languages: +21,615